
The Artist's Insomnia pt 10

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Where would he go? she asked as she took one of the spears being thrown to the group.
“It has to be somewhere of significance. He wouldn’t just run off to run off” 2 explained.
“No…he’d never just run away…everything has to have a meaning to 6” 5 said as the group made their way out of the weapons area.
“But 6 has hardly ever been outside. How would anything be significant to him?” 7 asked, taking the first steps out of the protection of the cathedral and into the emptiness.
“Wait” 9 said as he turned on his light staff
“What?” 5 asked, turning around to face his friend.
“You said something about 6” 9 said, trying to remember the conversation they’d had almost a week and a half ago.
“I always talk about 6” 5 said, unsure why 9 was bringing up something that seemed irrelevant.
“Not like this….last week, when 7 brought him up to the watchtower. You told me… 6 used to run away…you said…you said he stopped running away after he got his key” 9 recalled.
That’s right! He always ran away until he got his key!
But what’s so special about that key?
“It belongs to something….it unlocks something…” 5 said.
But what does it unlock?
“I…I can’t remember” 5 sighed, hoping that by some miracle he would remember. They continued to walk for while before stopping so 2 could rest a bit. 5 decided to stray a ways from the others, pacing back and fourth, trying to keep himself focused. Focused and fearless. Then, in the distinct he heard a small humming sound.
“6?” 5 asked, a small hope coming to life inside the stitchpunk. 5 ran, following the source of the humming.
“I’m coming 6” he whispered lightly. Suddenly 9 came into his view
“Did you figure anything out?” 9 asked him. The humming had since stopped.
“Did you hear that humming?” 5 asked, still full of hope.
“Yes….that was me. I-I’m sorry. Ever since 6 got that music player I’ve had this song stuck in my head” 9 explained.  
“Song?” 5 asked quietly. The puzzle in his mind finally starting to piece itself together.
“Yeah…I don’t remember what it’s called” 9 said.
“My music! My music! It’s gone! They’ve taken it! I can’t hear it!”  6’s voice rang clearly in his head.
“That’s it!” 5 exclaimed, and began running to the others.
“What’s it?” 9 asked, starting after 5.
“His music! He’s going to find his music box!” 5 said excitedly, glad he’d finally remembered.
“What?” 9 asked confused. 5 stopped running and turned to face 9.
“His key. His key unlocks this…this music box. He found it…years  ago. We’d never brought it back because it was too big for any of us to carry” 5 explained

“Music? But I thought you already found that music player for him” 9 asked, trying to figure everything out for himself.
“I did. But I don’t know what his song is. None of us had ever heard his song…So when I found that, I only hoped that his song would be on there” 5 went on, starting to walk toward the others once more. 9 began to follow him.
“But why would he run off to find music?” 9 asked, not understanding the logic.
“Because….it’s his song. He can’t sleep without it” 5 said softly.
“But…I never hear any music” 9 said.
“Because he hears it in his head….but…he said…he said ‘they’ took it” 5 said.  
“Who’s they?” 9 asked
“The voices” 5 said.
“So then how has he been able to sleep?” 9 questioned.
“He hasn’t” 5 said, realizing that 6 had faked sleeping last night. Finally, 5 and 9 reached the others. They all looked at him with nervous optics.
“I know where we can find 6” 5 said confidently
BTW! The preview picture is drawn by "Snowiweather" on the 9 forum. Snowi drew the preview picture for this story, and is letting me use it for the preview picture. it depicts a very sleepy 6 leaning aginst 5, trying despreatly to keep himself awake while lisiting to the song "He Lives In You" from "The Lion King 2"

Okay, so it's my very first "9" fic, even if it's about 5 and 6 mostly. I'll eventually write more, and this story is currently posted on [link] (The "9" Forum) You can find me there under the username "6" Anyway first off summary.

When 6's, (Voiced by Crispin Glover) voices come to him and make him hurt 5 (Voiced by John C Reilly) while sleeping, 6 begins to fear 5, thinking that his best friend hates him and wants him to be punished. Knowing that his best friend is getting worse with each day, 5 is unsure of 6's strange behavior and how he can help it. Then, when 6's song is taken from him by the voices he hears, 6 stops sleeping, unable to calm himself enough to let sleep take over. While 5 watches his best friend slowly succumb to sleep deprivation, 6 starts to take matters into his own hands, even if it will kill him.

This story got AMAZING! feedback on the 9 forum, won't you do the same for me on here?

Also, 3 and 4 begin to "talk" in this chapter. 3 is underlined (if it shows up) and 4 is Bolded (if it shows up)

Chapter One: Nightmare & Voices
Chapter Two: About 6
Chapter Three: Blessed Curse
Chapter Four: Problems
Chapter Five: Fixing His Hands
Chapter Six: Split 6
Chapter Seven: Of Mood Swings & Confusion
Chapter Eight: It's Called A Moe-Zay-Ick!
Chapter Nine: He's Gone
© 2009 - 2024 BathingToasters
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Jay-punk13's avatar
5 has a light-bulb moment, now they know where to search. That's just hope that nothing happens to 6 well they try to find him!